Sierra Leone President, Julius Maada Bio is set to explain the gains and achievements made by his government from 2018 to date in the 13th National Delegates Conference of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP), spanning from (1995-2023).

The Theme of the said conference is: ‘’ Towards a Radical Transformation Counting the Gains Since 2018’’, and will be hosted at the Bintumani Conference Centre in Freetown on the 8th February, 2023.

The conference is set to get President Bio and his team to fully explain what they have received and have done as well as achieved as a government in the last five years which is in line with the principles of accountability within the party.

As the country draws very fast to the June 2023 elections under the Proportional Representation (PR) system, many Sierra Leoneans including party members wished and believe that, there are many pointers of which the President will dish out at the conference.

Following the just concluded SLPP National Youths Conference and that of the SLPP Women’s Conference many party supporters are optimistic that the conference will be a great outcome towards building their minds and preparedness for the June elections.