President Julius Maada Bio has publicly acknowledged the role of his wife, First Lady Dr. Fatima Bio, in Sierra Leone receiving global accolades for sponsoring a Resolution at the United Nations which was successfully adopted on Friday September 2nd 2022.

The Sierra Leone resolution, seconded by Japan, is entitled as “International cooperation for Access to Justice, Remedies & Assistance for Survivors of Sexual Violence” and it has received massive acclamation after it was adopted without even a single change done to the precise words tabled by Foreign Minister David Francis, on behalf of President Bio, at the United Nations.

The United States Government has described the adoption of the Sierra Leone Resolution as “a big deal” and the European Union said it “welcomes the adoption” and further said “We thank Sierra Leone and Japan for their leadership”.

Several dozens of Governments across the World all joined in to praise the Leadership of Sierra Leone in the Epoch-Making resolution being passed at the U.N.

The celebrations by Gender Activists across all the continents of the World have been loud and they used the hashtag #SurvivorsResolution to make their messages go viral on Social Media especially one Amanda Nguyen who said that after years of struggling for such a Resolution, it was Sierra Leone Government that stood tall to sponsor the Resolution.

Here in Sierra Leone, President Bio also joined in the celebrations as he personally wrote on social media about his enormous pride during which he stated that he got inspiration from his wife, First Lady Fatima Bio and her “Hands Off Our Girls” campaign.

“This global leadership by Sierra Leone is informed by our domestic context and my Government’s commitment, duly recognizing the work of First Lady Fatima Bio and the Hands Off Our Girls campaign,” President Bio personally wrote on social media.

United Nations Experts have told this newspaper that ever since the Sierra Leone role for China to be admitted to the United Nations in 1971 under late S.A.J. Pratt as Sierra Leone Foreign Minister, this remains one of the most important Resolutions ever tabled by Sierra Leone at the United Nations – in well over 50 years.