Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone has announced his intent to address the nation for the second time today, December 2, 2023. The President, undeterred by the recent turmoil, is set to speak directly to the citizens at 8:00 PM local time.

In his announcement, President Bio emphasized the significance of this address, stating, “Please note that I will address the Nation for a second time on the failed attempted coup d’état at 8:00 PM this evening.” This communication is anticipated to shed light on the government’s response to the attempted overthrow and provide reassurance to the people.

For those unable to attend in person, the President’s address will be broadcast live on multiple platforms, including Facebook (JuliusMaadaBio), SLBC TV, and all major news networks across the country. The nation awaits this crucial communication, hoping for clarity and resolution in the aftermath of the recent turbulent events.