President Julius Maada Bio held a productive meeting with world-renowned economist and sustainable development advocate, Jeffrey D. Sachs.

The discussion centered around Sierra Leone’s strides in increasing access to education and the opportunities to build on this progress through international partnerships.

Following the meeting, President Bio expressed optimism about the collaboration, emphasizing the mutual recognition of Sierra Leone’s achievements in education.

We recognized the great progress Sierra Leone has made in increasing access to education,” President Bio stated, highlighting the commitment from Sachs to support the country in leveraging global relationships and harnessing partnerships with multilateral institutions.

The engagement marks a significant gain for Sierra Leone, with President Bio noting, “This is a solid gain for Sierra Leone, and we look forward to deepening this relationship.

The partnership with Sachs, known for his bold and effective strategies to tackle global challenges, promises to further bolster Sierra Leone’s efforts in improving education access and overall development

Jeffrey D. Sachs is a leading figure in the field of economics and sustainable development, widely recognized for his innovative approaches to addressing complex global challenges.

His expertise spans issues such as poverty reduction, climate change, international debt crises, and public health emergencies. With his deep understanding of these critical issues, Sachs is expected to play a pivotal role in helping Sierra Leone build sustainable solutions for its education sector and beyond.