Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio on Tuesday welcomed Ambassador Maria G. Harrison, the Secretary-General of the Mano River Union (MRU), to the State House in Freetown for discussions aimed at enhancing cooperation and integration within the Union.

During their meeting, President Bio emphasized the importance of promoting unity, solidarity, and cooperation among the member states of the MRU. He underscored the need for fostering peaceful coexistence among the peoples of the region, which forms the foundation of the Union.

Highlighting the shared destiny of the MRU member states, President Bio stressed the collective efforts required to enhance cross-border cooperation, promote trade and investment, and facilitate cultural exchange among member states.

President Bio also lauded Ambassador Harrison for her efforts in advancing the objectives of the MRU, particularly in promoting peace, security, and socio-economic development within the sub-region. He commended her role in facilitating dialogue, collaboration, and coordination among member states and other stakeholders.

The meeting between President Bio and Ambassador Harrison signifies a commitment to strengthening regional cooperation and integration within the Mano River Union, with a focus on promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the sub-region.