Sierra Leone’s President Julius Bio made a resounding commitment to bolster business development in Sierra Leone during his address at the Rebranding Africa Forum meeting held in Brussels on 20 October 2023.

President Bio emphasized his dedication to supporting and encouraging business growth in Sierra Leone while addressing officials and fellow African leaders. He stressed the strong and harmonious relationship between the government of Sierra Leone and the private sector, underscoring a robust bond that facilitates cooperation.

The President’s statements were corroborated by the recent annual political dialogue he had with the European Union and various private companies operating in Sierra Leone, reflecting the collaborative efforts to promote economic progress.

I am here fighting, or attempting to be a marketer because I want to convince you that I am up to the task,” President Bio declared.

He expressed his unwavering commitment to attracting more businesses to Sierra Leone, stating, “Whatever it takes to bring more businesses into Sierra Leone, I am prepared to convince you and provide support.”

President Bio’s remarks highlight his administration’s dedication to fostering economic growth and strengthening Sierra Leone’s position as an attractive destination for investments and business development.

The Rebranding Africa Forum provided a platform for African leaders to discuss strategies for enhancing the continent’s economic prospects, and President Bio’s strong endorsement of Sierra Leone’s private sector aligns with the broader goals of the event.