Brig ( Rtd) Julius Maada Bio has in a nationwide address assured that he would take tough action against the perpetrators and sponsors of the violent Protests.
Addressing Sierra Leoneans on Friday 12th August 2022, President Bio disclosed that in the coming weeks and month’s, his government would undertake the necessary security actions meant to guarantee the peace and security of all citizens.
The President further assured that his government would undertake the necessary security actions meant to guarantee the Peae and Security of all citizens.
The President further assured that his government’s action would relentlessly fight those who would use terror and gruesome violence to achieve political goals, while he urged every peace – loving Sierra Leonean to be mindful that the national unity, peace and stability are essential for the development and survival as a nation, by encouraging them to continue to respect the laws of Sierra Leone and remain law-abiding.
He remarked that the insurrection was meant to violently disrupt the daily and normal activities and lives of the ordinary Sierra Leoneans, whilst to the international community, it was meant to present Sierra Leone as a place where laws and order has completely broke down.
President Bio avered that the insurrection clearly identified partisans using the cover of follow-on-crowds including children characterized by targeted Killing, wanton looting and destruction of property, adding that it was not a peaceful cost of living protest but was an attack on the peace and security, rule of law, and on democracy.
He added that there would also be investigation into the deaths of ordinary citizens who lost their lives in the senseless violence