The First Lady of Sierra Leone, Fatima Bio has reacted to the road accident at the Makeni-Freetown highway, involving herself and her convoy while returning to Freetown from Kono.

She took to her Facebook page, expressing appreciation to well wishers who’ve shown concern to them and stated how heartbroken she is over the critical condition of her Security Personnel .

The First Lady wrote; “I am grateful to all of you that have shown concern for our safety. What happened yesterday was truly tragic and unfortunate but I thank God for his mercies upon the lives of my securities and myself.

At this moment, I ask for your prayers for them as the light in the tunnel is getting darker for some of them. I am heart broken. What happened on that road yesterday was not supposed to happen but we leave it to Allah to take control.

I am trying to hold it together but truth be said; I am shattered. Period.The next 24 hours is crucial for them so please have all of them in your prayers.Thank you all again for the love and support.”

On the 6th February 2023, First Lady Fatima Bio and her convoy were ran into at the Makeni-Freetown highway, by a lorry whose driver claimed to have had a break failure due to driving at a high speed.

This came about after the First Lady and her convoy were heading back to Freetown from Kono, after a successful ceremony of Free Sanitary Pad distribution to school girls in Koidu city.

The accident left few of her security personnel injured. The injured personnel are undergoing intensive medical care in Freetown, whiles the police are investigating the cause of the accident.