The incumbent President Julius Maada Bio together with his wife has received his voter’s ID card on Friday.

The President, upon receiving his ID, reminisced on event of 2012 when he was refused his ID card.

It took them a month for them to give me my ID card (in 2012). I had to protest before my ID card was issued to me,” Bio said.

He also admonished Sierra Leoneans to abstain from violence and exercise their electoral franchise peacefully.

I want everyone to collect their voter’s ID cards and keep safe to vote peacefully,” he said.

The First Lady, who accompanied the President, also collected her voter’s ID card.

At least I know now that I will be voting for Maada Bio,” the First Lady said.

She admonished women to actively participate in the electoral process but refrain from violence.

Women should not be intimidated and they should also not use them for violence,” she said.

Sierra Leoneans have started collecting their ID cards on Friday morning. The ECSL announced that the process will last for nine days ending in a fortnight, Sunday 16th April.

They will exercising their franchise in a multi-tier elections on 24 June this year.

Political analysts have predicted that the incumbent SLPP will face stiff competition from the main opposition APC.