President Julius Maada Bio has officially appointed Ms. Susan Mamatorma Rogers as the Deputy Commissioner-General of the National Land Commission.

This crucial appointment is in accordance with Section 20 (1) of the National Land Commission Act, 2022.

The appointment was conveyed to Ms. Susan Mamatorma Rogers in a letter from Julius F. Sandy, the Secretary to the President. The letter stated, “I have the honour to inform you that it has pleased His Excellency the President, Brig. (Rtd.) Julius Maada Bio to appoint you as Deputy Commissioner-General, National Land Commission, subject to the approval of Parliament.”

As per the established procedure, Ms. Rogers has been advised to contact the Clerk of Parliament. The Clerk of Parliament will arrange a meeting with the Committee on Appointments and the Public Service of Parliament to consider her appointment. This parliamentary approval is a vital step in the process.

Once approved by Parliament, further details, including the specific Terms and Conditions of Ms. Susan Mamatorma Rogers’ appointment, will be communicated to her.