Sierra Leone’s President, Julius Maada Bio, recently addressed the United Nations Summit of the Future, representing the g7+ countries, a group of nations linked by shared experiences of conflict and the challenges of fragility.

During the plenary session, President Bio highlighted six key areas essential for positioning g7+ countries within the framework of the Pact for the Future.

In his speech, President Bio emphasized the importance of national ownership and inclusive governance in ensuring that nations take control of their development agendas while engaging all segments of society.

He also underscored the need to promote sustainable development, balancing economic growth with environmental protection to benefit future generations.

The President further stressed the significance of fostering international peace and security, calling for stronger global cooperation in addressing conflicts and promoting stability.

He urged member states to embrace science, technology, innovation, and digital cooperation, noting that these tools are critical for the growth and resilience of developing nations.

Highlighting the role of youth, President Bio advocated for empowering young people as agents of change, recognizing their potential to drive transformation.

Lastly, he called for transforming global governance and reforming the UN Security Council, ensuring that international decision-making processes reflect today’s realities and the voices of vulnerable nations.

In his concluding remarks, President Bio reaffirmed the commitment of the g7+ countries to creating a future marked by equity, solidarity, justice, and peace, ensuring that no nation is left behind.

His message resonated with the summit’s goal of shaping a more inclusive and sustainable global future.