President Julius Maada Bio has visited the 34 military hospital in Freetown to meet with soldiers who were injured during the November 26 Wilberforce barracks security breach.

The breach, which has been declared a “failed attempted coup,” took place on Sunday, November 26, 2023. Minister of Information and Civic Education Chernor Bah has condemned the breach and reiterated the government’s commitment to upholding the rule of law.

President Bio thanked the soldiers for their bravery and sacrifice, and assured them that their efforts will not be in vain. He also said that the government is working to address the root causes of the breach and prevent future incidents.

“I thanked the Military Officers for their gallantry, sacrifice and commitment to defending democracy in Sierra Leone. I assured the Officers that the Government and people of Sierra Leone are eternally grateful to them for their bravery, while also reassuring them that their sacrifice to protect our nation will not be in vain.” Bio said.

The government has also launched an investigation into the breach, and has promised to bring those responsible to justice.