In a recent campaign tour of the All People’s Congress (APC) party in Kono district, former First Lady Sia Nyama Koroma faced criticism from popular politician Sylvia Olayinka Blyden for wearing a cloth with the inscription “APC first lady” on it.

Blyden argued that Koroma’s time as First Lady had passed, and she should not continue to identify herself with that title.

Blyden emphasized the importance of understanding the different phases in life, stating, “Life is made up of 3 Periods or Phases: Your Time has Passed, your Time is Now, your Time is not yet Here.”

She expressed her disappointment in Koroma’s lack of understanding of this concept and her continued use of the “APC First Lady” label.

Furthermore, Blyden raised concerns about the implications of Koroma’s actions on the wife of Samura Kamara, the current presidential aspirant for the APC party. She questioned what title would be given to Kamara’s wife if Koroma referred to herself as the “APC First Lady.”

Blyden criticized Koroma’s choice to wear the clothing in Kono, describing it as sad, shameful, and pathetic, particularly considering her age.

She believed that such actions only strengthened the perception that Kamara was a mere puppet for former President Ernest Bai Koroma, as it appeared that Koroma was projecting herself as the “APC First Lady.”

Amidst the criticism, Blyden congratulated Samura Kamara and the APC for their successful campaign tours, commending their political exercises and the turnout in Kono district. However, she expressed her strong condemnation of Koroma’s choice to wear the “APC First Lady” clothing, labeling it as “distasteful.”

Blyden concluded by urging Koroma to seek better advice on such matters for the sake of the APC and the country as a whole, emphasizing that Sierra Leone had never experienced such an imbroglio.