The Bombali District Security Committee (DiSeC) has engaged the various transport sectors in the district, the engagement which took place at the Makeni Wusum field, was graced by several stakeholders including the Paramount Chief of Bombali Shebora Chiefdom PC Bai Shebora Kasangna || among others and was stormed by members of the Bike Riders Union.
Speaking to this medium the Bombali District Security Coordinator at the Office of National Security (ONS) Bintu Sillah described the engagement as very fruitful as it was staged to address issues surmounting the transport sector in the district especially the transportation price which has been on the increase as a result of the hiking of fuel price and also other security concerns that has been arising around the transport sector between the Motor Drivers Union and the Bike Riders Union.
She added that they have successfully highlighted a road map to address the transportation price which has been the major concern for residents in the district, and the Bike Riders Union have agreed to announce a uniform price for various locations in the city within the next two weeks already described as the “Makeni Model”, furthermore there will be no illegal trading of fuel”jebu” if there is any crisis which has been outlined as a major factor for the increase of transportation price as many a time both the bike riders and the passengers are exploited.
Mohamed Kabia Public Relations Officer of the Bombali District Tipper Unit applauded the initiative for such engagement citing the Motor Drivers Union have suffered several unfortunates incidents from the Bike Riders and greatly affect their means of livelihood when an accident occurred which has to deal with members of the two organisations.
National Vice President of the Bike Riders Union Osman Conteh asserted that the engagement is very timely as it provides an avenue for the members to clear several accusations that have been referred to as lawless but many of those accusations about an accident that do occur are baseless as many a time such problems arise from the family members of the private riders but the commercial riders are blamed because it is a private sector, and urged all members to remain law-abiding, as further discussions will be held with the general membership before the announcement of prices for the “Makeni Model”.