Election results announced by Tamba Steven Komba – Chief Electoral Commissioner of Central University Elections Management Body have indicated that Henry Bobson Sesay who decisively scored 435 votes representing 71% of the valid votes cast the winner and fifth president of the Central University in Mile 91 town, Northern Sierra Leone.

During the election on December 17th, 2023 at the University’s main Campus, 616 total valid votes were cast by students of the Central University representing 100%.

Sesay’s main challenger, Zeedes Kamara scored 174 votes, representing 28% of the total votes cast.

There were seven invalid votes representing 1% of total votes cast.

Henry Bobson Sesay, having secured the highest number of votes was declared the president-elect of the Fifth Students Union Government at Central University and Janet Sam-Kobba was his running mate, and Vice President.

By excersing the powers conferred on me as the returning officer of the December 17th 2023 Students Union elections of the Central University in Mile 91, I here by declared Henry Bobson with the highest valid votes of435 as the winner and President elect,” the Electoral Commissioner announced.

Since it was established a few years ago in the Yoni chiefdom, Tonkolili District, Central University has held five Students Union elections including the last one won by Sesay.

Immediately after the election, the president elect called on all students to work collaboratively with his government to push the University and student unionism forward.

“No more camps or teams, it’s now time we all come together and work for the betterment of the institution and ourselves,” the President says.

He encourage his opponent and her team to woke with his government.

Unlike other institutions, Student Union elections at Central University are always generally peaceful and free from all forms of violence.

Kamara, the loser and her running mate, Sallieu A. Kamara have not made any official statement.