Minister of Information and Civic Education, Chernoh Bah has arrived in Dakar, Senegal to attend the twelfth session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC), which will take place at the King Fahad Palace hotel from October 16 and 18.

During the session, the reports on the activities of the OIC General Secretariat and its affiliated institutions in media, culture, dialogue among civilizations, tourism, and youth will be reviewed. Recommendations and decisions will be made with the aim of enhancing cooperation and solidarity among the OIC member states in these areas.

Accompanying the Minister is the Managing Director of the Sierra Leone News Agency, Yeama Thompson.

COMIAC is one of the three ministerial standing committees of the OIC each chaired by a head of state which meet in ordinary sessions every three years, the two others being the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) and the Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH).