Sierra Leone’s Chief Minister, David Moinina Sengeh has expressed pleasure meeting with students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

During the meeting, the Chief Minister expressed appreciation for connecting with the MIT students, alums and friends as well as having an inspiring conversation at the SolveMIT, which is a market place for social impact innovation, with a mission to drive innovation to solve world challenges.

He maintained that, Heather Beem, being one of the former winners of the SOLVE keeps charting her vision of bringing quality science education to all.

Sengeh has also commented on the inspiring way to end SDG Action Weekend in preparation for SDG Summit and the UNGA. “As Chief Minister of Sierra Leone, I told the world of my hope, 9.5/10. In transforming education and SDG spotlight initiative, we show that with the great leadership of president bio we will deliver” he maintained.