In a strategic move aiming to capacitate Journalists on standard Operations of the Media, knowledge about China and  strengthening of Bilateral relationship between the two countries, the Research and Training Institute National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA),  has commenced a three-week media seminar For over 20 Sierra Leonean Journalists and Press Officers on 7th to November 27, 2023 in Beijing, China.

The NRTA which is a ministerial-level government authority, directly under the state Council of the People’s Republic of China is charged with the responsibility for the administration and supervision of radio, television and Online audio Video sectors in China.

Speaking on the rationale behind the 2023 summit, Yan Ni, Deputy-Director General of the International Cooperation at NTRA revealed that though China and Sierra Leone are demographically far away from eachother but they never feel strange to eachother. She justified her statement by revealing that since the founding of diplomatic ties between the two Countries in 1971, the two countries have enjoyed very good friendship and has expanded in Cooperations in various areas. She affirmed that during this process, the broadcast media have played a very constructive role to contribute to enhance the kind of development between the two countries.

“I do hope such kind of Communications could be further strengthening in the following years and in terms of our cooperation in the Broadcasting field. We have been developing cooperation in the area of Personal exchange, Content exchange, Programmes exchange as well as Capacity Building like the training seminar,” Yan Ni stated

She affirmed that they believe such kind of seminar is important as they continue to have mutual understanding, and discover China through the eyes of the participants adding that they continue to be open and inclusive.

She confirmed that in recent times they  celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Belt and Road initiative in Beijing. During the third Belt and Road forum together with more than 150 countries, She confirmed they have  reached a common sense that they should continue to develop such kind of cooperation under the initiative in which Sierra Sierra Leone is one of the most important Patners with China in the process to continue to facilitate the Project.

Khalil Kallon, Executive Secretary at the Independent Media Commission (IMC) of Sierra Leone and Teamleader of the 2023 seminar extended his heartfelt appreciation to the Organizers of the seminar and Ambassador Wang Qing of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Sierra Leone.. He emphasized that the media in Sierra Leone thrive on Democratic principles and freedom of expression with specific objective to support national initiatives and programmes to improve the quality of life of Sierra Leoneans through systematic and effective use of Mass Communication tools strategies and activities.

Speaking on the choice of Participants in the seminar, he affirmed that they were carefully selected, to include mainstream practitioners from Print, electronic and online media across the country, the Ministry of information and Civic education and the country’s media regulator(IMC). He expressed strong optimisim that by the end of the seminar, Participants present will use the knowledge gained to educate other practitioners back home who would not have the opportunity to directly benefit from the training in Beijing.

The opening session was climaxed with an indepth lecture on the Development and International Cooperation of Radio , Television and Online Audio-visual Media of China