At a brief yet impactful event convened at the forecourt of Police Headquarters, Mr. William Fayia Sellu, the Inspector General of Police, gratefully accepted a generous donation on behalf of the Sierra Leone Police. On Friday, April 5th, 2024, the police force received 150 bags of rice (25 kg each), 20 jerry cans of cooking oil, and 10 bags of sugar.
The donation, presented by His Excellency Ambassador Wang Qink on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone, was accompanied by commendations for the remarkable efforts of the Sierra Leone Police in upholding the safety and security of the nation. Ambassador Qink specifically lauded the police force for their integral role in ensuring the peaceful conduct of the June 2023 election, attributing its success to the tireless dedication of the police personnel.
Highlighting the significance of the donation during Ramadan, Ambassador Qink emphasized its gesture of goodwill towards the Muslim community within the Sierra Leone Police. He expressed his best wishes for the organization’s endeavors in combating drug abuse and crime while maintaining community safety.
In response, Inspector General Sellu expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Chinese Embassy for their generous contribution, noting the spirit of compassion and sharing synonymous with the Ramadan period. He acknowledged the longstanding friendship between Sierra Leone and China, dating back to the 1970s and 1980s, and pledged the unwavering commitment of the Sierra Leone Police to fulfilling its mandate of safeguarding the nation’s security.
The handing over of the donated items to Inspector General Sellu marked the culmination of the ceremony, symbolizing the partnership between Sierra Leone and China in promoting security and well-being within the country.