In a recent press release, Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) sheds light on a concerning leadership crisis at the University of Sierra Leone, attributing it to conflicts between the university administration and the Central Government.

The advocacy group emphasizes the need for prompt resolution through the established legal channels of Sierra Leone, citing the UNIVERSITIES ACT of 2021. The ongoing crisis has led to disruptions in the functioning of constituent colleges, demanding urgent attention from both the government and the university’s leadership.

CHRDI expresses deep concern over the insufficient attention given to universal access to quality education by the Ministry of Higher Education and the Sierra Leonean government. This neglect has resulted in a noticeable gap between educational outcomes and the government’s commitments under human rights agreements, infringing upon the fundamental right to education.

Highlighting education as a fundamental human right and a vehicle for empowerment, CHRDI calls on the Sierra Leone Government to address the leadership crisis at the University of Sierra Leone promptly. Failure to do so not only harms the fundamental right to education but also poses tangible and severe implications for Sierra Leone’s progress.

The advocacy group urges the government to prioritize the swift resolution of the crisis in accordance with the provisions outlined in the UNIVERSITIES ACT of 2021. CHRDI remains vigilant in monitoring the situation and calls on all relevant parties to take transparent and equitable actions.

During their investigation, CHRDI acknowledges various challenges faced by students at the University of Sierra Leone, including a lack of access to essential services, allegations of harassment, exam malpractice, and issues related to fee payment without corresponding services.

Campaign for Human Rights and Development International, being a Rights-based social-policy advocacy organization, underscores the responsibility of duty-bearers to uphold human rights and seeks to support rights-holders in claiming their rights. CHRDI holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is accredited to numerous UN Agencies.