The Executive Director of Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI), Abdul Fatoma, today participated in a high-level multi-stakeholder meeting organized by the Office of the Chief Minister.

The meeting was focused on discussing the implementation of the recommendations made by the Tripartite Committee.

This pivotal gathering brought together various development partners, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the European Union (EU), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Diplomatic missions from the USA, UK, Iceland, Germany, and Ireland were also in attendance, alongside political parties, government ministries, the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone, and international NGOs such as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), International IDEA, and the International Republican Institute (IRI).

During the meeting, Fatoma expressed optimism about the discussions, emphasizing that it laid a solid foundation for the country’s electoral review process ahead of the 2028 general elections. “It was a productive meeting, laying the groundwork for critical reforms as we look ahead to ensuring a transparent and inclusive electoral process,” Fatoma noted.

The Tripartite Committee, which was established to address key national issues, has been instrumental in fostering dialogue and building consensus among stakeholders.

The current focus is on ensuring that the recommendations are effectively implemented, in line with Sierra Leone’s democratic and human rights commitments.

This engagement marks an important step forward in Sierra Leone’s electoral reform efforts, with key players from both the national and international arena working collaboratively to ensure that the country’s future elections are free, fair, and reflective of the will of the people.