Judging by correspondences traded between the Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Austin Demby, the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas T. Samba and the Permanent Secretary, Morie Momoh there is a simmering war of words over postings or no postings going on at the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.
This latest development comes as a very big slap and disappointment to the Bio-led administration, taking into consideration that top officials in the ministry which is supposed to be in charge of health services in this country, are instead busy fighting themselves over postings.
In a letter dated 23th October, 2021, the Minister of Health, instructed the Permanent Secretary to “rescind all postings and appointments by the Chief Medical Officer in October 2021,” adding that “all officers should revert to their original positions on September 30th 2021.” He stated further in his letter that “there would be an appropriate review and consideration of all postings in alignment with the national vision for healthcare delivery in Sierra Leone.”
On the same date, 12th October, 2021, the CMO, Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas T. Samba registered his dismay over the Health Minister’s letter in a query letter. In his query letter to the Health Minister, the CMO stated among other things that: “for over six months, a number of critical vacancies have existed in key Directorates and other and other relevant areas within the MoHS.”
He maintained that “the postings were presented to the Postings Committee in the MoHS which is co-chaired by the Permanent Secretary and myself and subsequently, presented to the Ministerial Team for concurrence before popularization.”
In his letter the CMO told the Health Minister: “You vehemently blocked the postings as we struggled to explain the rationale and legitimacy behind the postings. Again, as far as I can testify, you were the only one in the leadership team that was averse to the postings under reference. For you, it was more a show of authority in a very undemocratic manner. This is the first time that a minister has intentionally obstructed the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) from performing his official functions to the detriment of health service delivery.”
The CMO in his letter noted that: “Subsequently, you even mentioned your intention to recruit candidates outside the professional domain into key technical positions. An idea that was unfavourable to all and you were advised against such intentions. You were also admonished that appointments into certain offices were either in accordance with the existing Civil Service provisions or at the level of His Excellency, the President.”
According to The Owl Newspaper, the CMO added that out of frustration he consulted his colleagues and he was advised to put the reminder in the form of a letter which he did and addressed to the Permanent Secretary.
“You are very intolerant to frank scientific and professional discussions on subjects of interest to the growth of the MoHS and you will use all draconian tactics to mutilate a voice that does not rhyme with your expectations.
“Under your inexperienced leadership, technical and administrative processes have depressingly and disappointingly a sluggish pathway while you pride yourself in building castles in the air. There are multiple instances of depressing and irritating stalling of documents and processes in the day-to-day administration of the health sector leading to unnecessary delays and unproductivity.
“As the professional head of the MoHS, I firmly believe that leadership such as the one manifested by you, if not modified, has the high propensity to render the MoHS inefficient and unproductive,” the CMO stated in his letter to the Minister of Health and Sanitation.
Meanwhile, as all of this is going on, it is unclear what line of action President Bio will take, when it it is abundantly clear that the Health Minister’s intention is to source candidates from outside the ministry while the CMO is ready to go by the books by sourcing candidates from the professional wing of the ministry.
However, against this background, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation wrote to the Director General Human Resource Management Office, all Directors, Program Managers, DMOs and Medical Superintendents conveying the instructions of the Minister of Health.