The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) has raised concerns over recent incidents of violence and hate speech during the ongoing election campaigns.

As part of its Elections Preparedness Strategy, HRCSL has been closely monitoring the activities of political parties and their supporters since the campaign period commenced on May 23, 2023.

While the majority of political campaigns have remained peaceful across the country, HRCSL has documented several incidents that have disrupted the enjoyment of human rights. These incidents include clashes between supporters of the All People’s Congress (APC) and Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) in Moriba town, Rutile, Bonthe District, where APC supporters were allegedly attacked by SLPP supporters. In Mile 91, Tonkolili District, campaign banners of the SLPP were destroyed overnight, resulting in retaliatory actions by APC supporters and subsequent violent clashes.

Tragically, on May 25, an APC supporter was allegedly killed by a fellow party member following a dispute after a campaign event in Mile 91. The Sierra Leone Police (SLP) has initiated an investigation into the incident. Additionally, instances of campaign disruptions and politically motivated violence have been reported in Moyamba Junction, Koidu town, and the Bonthe municipality.

HRCSL has also expressed deep concern over the circulation of hate speech and incendiary messages on social media platforms, targeting political opponents and threatening the electoral process. These messages propagate division and undermine the peace and security of the state. Paramount Chief Members of Parliament, political candidates, and other individuals have been identified in videos and audios promoting violence and making inflammatory statements.

In response to these incidents, HRCSL is calling on all political party stakeholders and citizens to refrain from making incendiary statements and hate speeches that can destabilize the political climate and compromise the integrity of the electoral process.

The commission emphasizes the importance of maintaining peace and respect for human rights during the elections.

HRCSL further urges the Sierra Leone Police to conduct thorough investigations into all reported incidents, bring the perpetrators to justice, and ensure the safety and security of all citizens, particularly electoral officials.

The commission also appeals to the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) to take proactive measures to prevent campaign disruptions and to address concerns regarding the burning down of the SLPP base and threats to the ECSL office.

As the election day approaches, HRCSL states that they remain committed to their mandate of monitoring and documenting human rights violations and will continue to work with stakeholders to ensure a peaceful and inclusive electoral process in Sierra Leone.