Conrad Sackey, The Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education in Sierra Leone has engaged the Chief Executive Officer of the education outcomes fund in London as part of his visit and engagements with partners in London.
Minister Sackey had a developmental shared discussion with the Education Outcomes Fund (EOF) Chief Executive Officer, Dr Amel Karboul, and her Chief Programmes Officer at the Conrad Hotel in London to discuss potential crowd funding opportunities to supplement the new round of $15 million EOF’s Results- based financing model that continue to expand access to quality Early Childhood Education in Sierra Leone.
It was revealed that, this has been a long journey that has seen similar meetings on the side-lines at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, COP28, in Dubai and now London and that the new model of funding is designed to drive innovation and be cost-effective for donors.
The minister has followed up the meeting with another important meeting together with the Ministry Basic Senior Secondary Education team comprising of Madam Adama Momoh, Deputy CEO and Lans Keifala, Chairperson, Teaching Service Commission with the Education Outcomes Fund Technical Team. In this meeting, matters relating to the launch of this new program and also updates on the ongoing foundational learning Education Outcomes Fund program were discussed.
This is also viewed as a big boost in the sector as part of growing the progress and outcome of educational development in the country at large and that the expertise gained in the trip to London coupled with the different engagements that were rolled out there will be a better planning system in the sector.
An added boost to the education sector. Bravo MBSSE.