The Lawyers of the former President of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma say they have secured an enlargement of time from the High Court, and the rescheduled date for the next hearing is July 17, 2024.

This follows after the ninety-day High Court order granted to the former President to seek medical attention out of Sierra Leone expired on 18th April 2024.

Koroma who served Sierra Leone as President from 2007 to 2018 is facing a four-count charge relating to his purported involvement in the overthrow of the Sierra Leonean government of President Julius Maada Bio on November 26, 2023. The charges include treason, misprision of treason, and harboring.

On January 17, Koroma was granted permission to depart Sierra Leone to Nigeria for urgent medical treatment.  The decision follows a successful bail review application submitted by his legal team, seeking a ninety-day allowance for his overseas medical attention. However, following the expiration of the ninety-day allowance, Koroma is yet to return.

Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Yusuf Tuggar recently said that former President is expected to return to Sierra Leone within three months after completing medical treatment in Abuja.

Addressing concerns about Koroma’s presence in Nigeria, Ambassador Tuggar clarified that the former Sierra Leonean leader currently resides in Nigeria for medical reasons. He emphasized that Koroma’s stay in Nigeria was aimed at alleviating tensions in Sierra Leone.

“I believe he’s away for some medical treatment. He will return in a while, I think, three months, but this is where he’s residing. He’s safe and sound here,” stated Ambassador Tuggar.