On February 23, 2024, President Dr. Julius Maada Bio oversaw the swearing-in of Bockarie Abdel Aziz Bawoh as the Deputy Minister of Information and Civic Education at Freetown’s State House in Sierra Leone. The event, attended by dignitaries including the Chief Minister and family members, marked a significant moment in Sierra Leone’s governance.

Under the guidance of John Sumailah, the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service, the ceremony emphasized Mr. Bawoh’s solemn commitment to uphold Sierra Leone’s Constitution. Expressing gratitude for his appointment, Mr. Bawoh vowed to diligently fulfill his duties entrusted by President Bio.

President Bio praised Mr. Bawoh and his family for their dedication to public service, stressing the importance of leadership. He expressed confidence in Mr. Bawoh’s capabilities, urging him to prove himself while acknowledging the challenges ahead. President Bio assured Mr. Bawoh of his support and reminded him of the collective responsibility of government officials to serve the nation.

Directing his remarks to Mr. Bawoh, President Bio emphasized the weight of his new role and the expectations placed upon him. He encouraged Mr. Bawoh to tackle challenges with determination, emphasizing the significance of his contribution to the nation’s interests.

In response, Mr. Bawoh reiterated his commitment to serving with integrity and collaboration. He thanked President Bio for the opportunity and pledged to work towards government objectives. Despite recognizing the challenges, Mr. Bawoh expressed confidence in his ability to contribute meaningfully to Sierra Leone.

The ceremony affirmed Sierra Leone’s dedication to democratic governance and the rule of law. As Mr. Bawoh assumed his new position, he embraced the responsibility to serve the people diligently, embodying a commitment to excellence and accountability in public service.

With President Bio’s support and the collective efforts of government officials, Sierra Leone looks towards a future guided by principles of transparency, inclusivity, and progress. The ceremony concluded with well-wishes for Mr. Bawoh as he embarked on his official duties, reflecting the nation’s spirit of service and dedication to development.