The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission is deploying an assessment mission to Sierra Leone from June 4th to 7th, 2024.

The mission’s purpose is to evaluate the progress made in implementing the “Agreement for National Unity” signed between the Sierra Leone government and the All Peoples Congress (APC) party on October 18th, 2023.

The mission will be led by Her Excellency Fatoumata Jallow-Tambajang, former Vice President of The Gambia, who served as the Joint Facilitator during the mediated dialogue process that led to the agreement. Representatives from the African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Office in West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), and the Commonwealth of Nations will accompany the ECOWAS delegation.

The mission plans to hold consultations with various stakeholders in Sierra Leone, including: The Committee on Electoral Systems and Management Bodies Review, The Government of Sierra Leone, The All Peoples Congress (APC) party, The Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC), Other key stakeholders and the Diplomatic Community.

The ECOWAS Commission has requested the full cooperation of the Sierra Leone government to ensure the mission’s success.