Following the recent multi-tier elections in the country, some of the ECSL Adhoc Staff, who laid their lives for the country, devoid of all risks of conducting elections at various polling stations have expressed disappointment on what they described as inhuman treatment and disregard, exhibited by some of the staff of Rokel Commercial Bank who have been assigned by the UNDP and ECSL Management to disburse funds to eligible workers.

The ad-hoc workers, who prefer anonymity said they have served the nation in sweat and tears but ended up treated inhumanly by ECSL via the irrational bureaucracy in receipt of funds for such national service.

They noted, stipends were not even encouraging for such a critical job and affirmed that they were asked to sign the contract after the job had been completed and that the amount of money for stipends on contract agreements for various positions like Ballot Paper Issuer, Polling Station Queue Controller, Ballot Box Controller, Voter Identification Officer, Presiding Officer, and the Polling Centre Manager was appalling, noting such action justifies the level of weakness trapped on state institutions in the country.

The ECSL Adhoc Election workers said there should be a review of the entire Human Resource Management regards recruitment of staff for such duties in subsequent electioneering process and that they feel exploited and abused, having worked tirelessly in ensuring that the country obtains free, fear and credible elections. They noted that ECSL Management and UNDP would have worked with the Afrimoney Management in the disbursement of funds to the adhoc staff, instead of working with the Rokel Simkopor team, having created more problems in the verification process to receive stipends.

The ECSL workers who prefer anonymity said the long queues and the delay in receiving stipends should have been mitigated, through the Afrimoney Service to prevent unnecessary pressure.

They said the logistics and technical support were unavailable during the elections, noting that they utilized their time and resources to work in various polling stations, ensuring that the entire electioneering process was free, fair, and credible. The aggrieved staff said they were not appreciated for their spirit of resilience demonstrated to serve the nation.
