The Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) has announced, in a press release, the reasons for the continuous power outages throughout Freetown

They cited that due to a number of concurrent unfortunate challenges along the energy supply chain they are challenged with providing adequate electricity to the Freetown network and would like its customers to know that this unfortunate situation has resulted in a reduced power supply and distribution to residents of Freetown.

They went on to state that this will continue until the problem is completely resolved. They called on the public to remain calm as the Authority and other key stakeholders were using all resources within their reach to resolve the issue.

They promised that once the problem was addressed, more power would be made available for supply and distribution to its valued customers in Freetown.

At the end of the release, they apologize to residents of Freetown for the inconvenience this situation has caused and promise to resolve the problem as soon as possible.