Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has said that the country’s presidential, parliamentary, and local council elections will proceed as scheduled on Saturday, June 24th, 2023. 

Bio made this known in a presidential address to the nation on Tuesday.

Despite calls for postponement from opposition party supporters, citing concerns about preparation and the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) not addressing demands from the All People’s Congress (APC) party, Bio emphasized that Sierra Leone is governed by laws and principles and will not tolerate threats to peace and security.

In his address, President Bio reiterated the significance of the elections, highlighting that they represent democratic ideals, allowing citizens to freely exercise their constitutional right to vote without fear.

“These elections are not merely a procedural formality; they embody our democratic ideals, where every citizen has the privilege to exercise their constitutional right to vote freely and without fear.

“Let me reiterate in no uncertain terms that the multi-party elections will proceed as scheduled on June24th, 2023. There shall be no postponement or cancellation. We must also wholeheartedly accept the people’s verdict to whom our Constitution confers sovereignty.

“The elections shall serve as a litmus test for our democratic values and unwavering commitment to progress. Let us seize this opportunity to fortify our democracy, save our institutions, and forge a stronger solution that embraces the aspiration of all its citizens.

President Bio also expressed concerns about the alarming surge in the propagation of “fake news, propaganda, and alternative facts” amplified on social media. He called upon Sierra Leoneans to exercise caution and responsibility, harnessing the potential of social media as a conduit for truth and transparency during the crucial elections.

“It falls upon each of us to collectively endeavour to harness the potential of social media as a conduit for truth and transparency throughout these crucial elections. Let us fully comprehend the magnitude of our influence when sharing information online and wield this power judiciously.” He said.

Bio further tasked other Presidential Candidates and the leadership of Political Parties to publicly denounce and dissociate themselves from all forms of hate speech, incitement to violence, tribal bigotry, regionalism, and any other actions that jeopardise the peace, unity, and stability of Sierra Leone.

“I implore all fellow presidential candidates and the leadership of political parties to publicly denounce and dissociate themselves from all forms of hate speech, incitement to violence, tribal bigotry, and any other action that jeopardise the peace and stability of our nation.”

Read President Bio’s full statement HERE