The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security-MAFS has empowered the agribusiness centres and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to bridge the value chain linages in the country.

It was revealed that, it was done by the Agribusiness Division in the Ministry an initiative that aimed to enhance the capabilities of Agribusiness Centres (ABC) Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), by promoting programs that improve aggregation, and marketing of agricultural products which is aligned with Feed Salone Pillar 3, the training focuses on supporting ABC SMEs in developing upward and downstream linkages along value chains.

The training incorporated representatives from various agribusiness centers, industry experts, and government officials with the objective to equip ABCs, FBOs, SMEs, Machine Ring Operators, Aggregators, Agrodealers, Marketers, Transporters, and Processors with essential skills to thrive in the agribusiness landscape. Acting Agribusiness Director Jeneba Alharazim emphasized the importance of such initiatives in boosting productivity, profitability, and economic development.

Covering topics such as market analysis, business planning, financial management, and strategic networking, the program engages participants in interactive sessions, case studies, and practical exercises.

It was also maintained that the key component is the mentoring and coaching aspect, where experienced professionals provide personalized guidance to address specific business challenges as Participants also engage in networking events and field visits to observe successful agribusiness models. The session has received positive feedback, with participants appreciating the practical knowledge and valuable connections gained. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to supporting the agricultural sector, aiming for significant advancements in agribusiness and a prosperous future for Sierra Leone.