The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has hosted the Icelandic delegation to discuss work related issues as well as seek new collaboration prospects that will be of good to both parties.
It was revealed that, the delegation highlighted their ambitions to develop a country strategy that prioritises climate vulnerability and biodiversity, with the agency, which may serve as the focal point for problem identification and future actions.
Report also revealed that, Sierra Leone has become the third country after Malawi and Uganda to host the Icelandic embassy drawing for more than two decades of their commitment to the region.
EPA maintained that, the evaluation of their Human Resource Management manual and the gender-transformative programming enabler reflect the Icelandic delegation’s shared purpose of addressing gender and associated issues.
The submission of the country’s first Biennial Update Report (BUR), the review and improvement of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)and Nationally Determined Contributors (NDCs) , the soon-to-be-introduced Perception Pulse Survey, and the Grievance Redress System , are just a few examples of our efforts to transform the agency into a catalyst for environmental innovation, data and solutions by 2030 which was confirmed by the executive Chairman of the agency, Abu-Bakarr S. Massaquoi.
They furthered that as there are challenges the collaboration is key to what the agency does, and they are excited about the opportunity that such alliances will provide for their shared contributions towards national development.