Former President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, has been summoned by the Sierra Leone Police to assist in the ongoing investigations into the failed coup plot that unfolded on November 26th, 2023. The summons was served at approximately 11:00 AM today, marking a significant development in the aftermath of the attempted overthrow.

The Sierra Leone police have called upon Dr. Koroma to report to the headquarters of the Criminal Investigations Department in Freetown within the next 24 hours. This move suggests a keen interest in understanding the extent of the former president’s knowledge or involvement in the failed coup. The events of November 26th left the nation on edge, as the coup attempt disrupted the political stability of Sierra Leone.

The authorities have remained tight-lipped about specific details surrounding the failed coup, heightening speculation and intrigue among the public. The decision to invite a former head of state for questioning underscores the gravity of the situation and raises questions about potential connections between the failed coup and elements within the political landscape.

Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma’s cooperation with the police investigation will likely shed light on critical aspects of the coup plot, potentially leading to further arrests or revelations. The unfolding developments are closely watched by both the national and international communities, as Sierra Leone grapples with the aftermath of a coup attempt that has tested the resilience of its democratic institutions.