Chief Observer Evin Incir from the European Union, representing the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM), has formally presented the much-anticipated Final Report on the 2023 elections to President Julius Maada Bio.

This all-encompassing report stands as a testament to the EU EOM’s unwavering commitment to promoting transparency and accountability in electoral processes. It presents a well-substantiated overview of Sierra Leone’s 2023 elections. During the report presentation, Chief Observer Evin Incir emphasized its significance, asserting that it offers a comprehensive, evidence-based account of the election proceedings while also providing 21 noteworthy recommendations.

In her words, “This report gives a comprehensive, evidence-based account on the 2023 elections and offers 21 recommendations.” 

These 21 recommendations are poised to address various facets of the electoral process, encompassing topics like voter registration, polling procedures, and campaign protocols. They are expected to serve as a valuable reference point for Sierra Leone’s government and electoral authorities as they endeavor to bolster the fairness and credibility of forthcoming elections.

President Julius Maada Bio conveyed his gratitude for the dedicated efforts of the EU EOM in vigilantly monitoring and evaluating Sierra Leone’s electoral procedures. He also affirmed his commitment to collaborating closely with international partners to put these recommendations into action, thereby enhancing the nation’s electoral system.

This presentation signifies a significant milestone in Sierra Leone’s ongoing quest to fortify its democratic processes. The EU EOM’s report is poised to wield substantial influence in shaping the direction of future elections within the country.