EU Ambassador to Sierra Leone – Manuel Müller and the Head of Cooperation, Gerald Hatler early last week presented the European Union – Sierra Leone cooperation strategy 2021-2027 to the country’s Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr Francis Kaikai and a host of other State authorities in Freetown.
Ambassador Müller said that the EU’s cooperation with Sierra Leone is based on shared values, and is committed to support the Government of Sierra Leone’s development initiatives to foster sustainable peace, unity and prosperity.
The cooperation strategy document also known as the Multi-Annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Sierra Leone 2021 – 2027, focuses on three main priorities. They include Green Economy, Human Development and Governance.
Green Economy – focuses on addressing the crucial social issue of addressing decent jobs and a sustainable, inclusive green economic transformation. It aims to increase access to a modern, sustainable, affordable and reliable energy for jobs and growth and to develop a sustainable, employment-oriented agriculture and fisheries food systems for health and nutrition security. It. This component will also specifically focus on addressing restoration, management and protection of terrestrial and marine biodiversity and ecosystems in Sierra Leone.
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Human Development – this component focuses on creating an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives through sustainable investment in Basic and Secondary Education and TVET, improving the quality literacy and numeracy, skills and qualifications of the population. It will also address social protection issues with the objective of reducing vulnerabilities and enable sustainable growth.
Governance – the EU aims to promote democratic institutions, fundamental rights and freedoms. Credible and inclusive elections will remain key priorities of the EU action, as well as government’s effectiveness and public service delivery at national and local level. Economic governance will also be targeted to underpin sustainable economic and social policies by strengthening public finance management, transparency and domestic resources mobilization and improving the business climate.