Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Her Excellency Fatima Maada Bio, departed for Turkiye today, October 29, 2023.

Her journey is in response to a unique and honorable call by the United Nations Secretary-General, who has appointed her as one of eight distinguished global leaders to champion the global campaign for Zero Waste.

The occasion that calls for Her Excellency’s participation is the upcoming Global Zero Waste Summit, a pivotal event on the international environmental calendar.

The summit is poised to bring together leaders, experts, and activists from around the world to deliberate on strategies and actions to tackle the mounting issue of waste and its detrimental impact on our planet.

Her Excellency’s selection as one of the eight distinguished global leaders underscores her commitment to environmental sustainability and her significant role in advocating for zero waste solutions. As the First Lady of Sierra Leone, she has been at the forefront of various initiatives aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices within the country.

The Global Zero Waste Summit, scheduled for the coming days, is expected to address pressing concerns related to waste reduction, recycling, and sustainable practices that can mitigate the environmental challenges posed by waste. It presents an opportunity for leaders like Her Excellency Fatima Maada Bio to share Sierra Leone’s experiences and contribute to global strategies aimed at minimizing waste generation and its ecological consequences.