The distinguished First Lady of Sierra Leone Her Excellency Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, has left the shores of Sierra Leone to honour a special invitation from the Royal Family of Qatar.

H.E. Dr. Fatima Maada Bio is one of only two African First Ladies who have been invited by the Royal Family of Qatar to join other World Leaders so as to discuss issues around the Protection and Advancement of the Girl Child and Women.

The trip and the cost of the entire delegation that will be accompanying the First Lady, is primarily funded by the Royal Family of Qatar.

H.E. Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, one of the highly respected First Ladies in the world today and a recognized Global Champion for the Advancement and Protection of Women and Girls, has various pre-scheduled engagements in Qatar.

The First Lady will return home within one week of her departure. On her return, she will continue her regular duties of accompanying her husband, H.E. President Julius Maada Bio, as his Consort, whilst also engaging in her various successful Advocacy programs in Sierra Leone.

The Office of the First Lady will keep the public informed on the activities of H.E. First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio whilst she is in Qatar.