Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Fatima Bio has on the 27th October 2023 hosted members from the women’s forum Sierra Leone on key developmental issues with special reference to the fifth national prestigious award and dinner night.

The meeting was hosted at her Goderich Office. The delegation gave a comprehensive update on their forthcoming Fifth Annual National Prestigious Award and Dinner Night, as well as their ongoing activities in the country.

The women’s forum according to them is focused on advocating for women’s empowerment, solidarity, and equality, irrespective of age, region, religion, or status.

Sally Adams, President of the Women’s Forum Network appreciated the first lady for her tireless efforts in promoting the welfare of women and girls in the country as well as pledging their full support to Her Excellency’s upcoming November 18 UN World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence, which marks its first-anniversary commemoration.

The First Lady expressed her gratitude to the Women’s Forum Network for their dedication in promoting women’s activities in the country and emphasized the importance of their contributions in supporting the advancement of women and girls.

She recognized the Women’s Forum Network as a strategic partner in the Hands Off Our Girls campaign, an initiative founded by the First Lady herself. The campaign seeks to address the health and well-being of women and children through community mobilization and health promotion.
