The First Lady of Sierra Leone, Madam Fatima Bio has reacted to the rumours circulating on social media about the free sanitary pads distributed to school pupils.

She took to Facebook to offer clarity on the authenticity and safety of the sanitary pads in order to clear the doubts of many who’ve being wrongly informed.

Giving some facts about the free sanitary pads, she noted that they are approved by the United Nations and are safe to use.

She added that it has good absorbency which is one of the most important elements of a good sanitary pad; the ability to absorb a large volume of blood in  short span of time.

Addressing the claims of the rumourmongers, she asserted that she has been distributing free sanitary pads since 2019 and no one has ever claimed that the pad has had a negative impact on them.

She added that there is a special substance in the pad which makes it decompose easily after being used.

Madam Bio emphasized the purpose of the pads which she stated is to encourage the girls to continue their education and not miss out on school when they are on their menstruation.

She noted that many girls don’t go to school when on their monthly period which had been a problem for the young school girls in the past or use dirty clothes as pad which is unhealthy.

Madam Bio, therefore, thanked supporters of the free pads campaign, promising to continue as soon she gets to the country.

Recently, a woman claiming to stay in Kono claimed in a video that the First Lady’s sanitary pads are bad and are aimed at destroying the lives of the young girls.

The woman stated that the pads after being soaked and opened a substance like ice comes out of it which she said is not good for the health of the beneficiaries.