The Office of the First Lady of Sierra Leone, led by Dr. Fatima Jabbe Maada Bio, will host a virtual event on May 28th, 2024, to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of World Menstrual Hygiene Day.

World Menstrual Hygiene Day is a global movement that tackles the challenges and stigma surrounding menstruation. It advocates for improved menstrual hygiene management and promotes the dignity and empowerment of women and girls. As the host, Dr. Bio will emphasize menstrual hygiene as a fundamental human right and a key factor in achieving gender equality.

A tireless advocate for women’s rights, Dr. Bio has championed initiatives to address the challenges women and girls face in managing their menstrual health. These efforts include educational campaigns to break taboos, distribution of sanitary products to schoolgirls, and establishing safe spaces for young women to learn about their bodies. She also pushes for policies that make menstrual hygiene products affordable and accessible, especially in underserved communities.

The World Menstrual Hygiene Day event will be a platform to reflect on progress made and set goals for the future. Healthcare professionals, educators, activists, and policymakers will share their expertise, encouraging meaningful dialogue about challenges and solutions in menstrual hygiene management.

Dr. Bio’s leadership exemplifies her commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment. She recognizes that addressing menstrual hygiene is about ensuring women and girls can participate fully in society without limitations from stigma or lack of resources. Her work inspires others and positions Sierra Leone as a leading voice in the global movement for menstrual health.

The public is invited to join this important commemoration. By participating, you become part of a global effort to promote menstrual hygiene, empower women and girls, and create a more equitable world.