Bloomberg has named Freetown City as one of the winners of Global Mayors Challenge with a prize of 1,000,000 Dollars from Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Freetown was recognised for being on the frontline of the pandemic and projected as one of the key cities to emerge and become stronger from the pandemic.
Other cities that were named as winners are Kigali, Rwanda; Kumasi, Ghana; Butuan Philippines; Rourkela, India; Wellington, New Zealand, Istanbul; Turkey, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Vilnius, Lithuania; Bogota, Colombia; Hermosillo, Mexico; Amman; Jordan, Peterson, USA; Phoenix, USA and Rochester, MN. USA;
“Cities have been on the frontlines of the pandemic & will be key to emerging from it stronger than before.
Today, we’re announcing the 15 Global #MayorsChallenge winning cities, each receiving $1M to further their solutions to social & economic issues.” Bloomberg Philanthropies tweeted.
Bloomberg Philanthropies is a philanthropic organization that encompasses all of the charitable giving of founder Michael R. Bloomberg. Headquartered in New York City, Bloomberg Philanthropies focuses its resources on five areas: the environment, public health, the arts, government innovation and education.
According to Bloomberg Philanthropies, the 1,000,000 United States Dollars prize awarded to each city is to further their solutions to social and economic issues which will be received by their respective Mayors.