One of the leading Civil Society Organizations in the country, Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) has condemned the killing of the OSD Regional Coordinator ASP Mathew Moiwah Gbanya alias “Boyka’ in Makeni in the evening hours of Saturday, 8th April 2023.

While the police are currently investigating the facts and circumstances of the said incident, we totally condemn this killing as an act of cruelty and inhumanity. There is no justification for taking the life of another person, whether a uniformed officer or a civilian,” the organisation stated.

CGG added that they have observed recent episodes of violence across the country, adding that they are worrying for Sierra Leone’s democracy.

Violence of such nature threatens the peace and security of our nation and instils continuous fear in the people and the communities,” they stated.

CGG maintained that they welcome the Public Notice of the Sierra Leone Police dated 9th April, 2023 and called on them to swiftly investigate the said killing and bring the perpetrators before the court to answer for this crime.

We urge the police to conduct their investigations within the ambit of the law and avoid every tendency to arrest citizens indiscriminately or be high-handed in their investigations,” they stated.

Whilst we extend our sincere condolences to the family of the deceased and the Sierra Leone Police, we call on all stakeholders in our democracy to work with the government to immediately strengthen multi-stakeholders platforms to discuss issues relating to peace and security in Sierra Leone.”

The organization further called on Political Parties, Civil Society Organizations, and Religious Leaders to work with the police to de-escalate tensions in the communities, noting that each of these groups must keep the country’s peace and democracy secured because democracy would not function without law and order.

Finally, we call on every citizen to be law-abiding and to cooperate with the police in their investigations. Citizens have a responsibility to protect their communities by reporting any suspicious behavior to the police, CGG concluded.

Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) is a registered national non-governmental organization (NGO) advocating for good governance in Sierra Leone. The organization’s programs are underlined by three themes: Freedom, Democracy and Gender equality.