The Electricitè De Guinea (EDG) played host to a delegation from Sierra Leone on October 30, 2023, in its Conference Hall in Conakry, the capital of Guinea.

The Sierra Leonean delegation consisted of representatives from key institutions including the Ministry of Energy (MoE), Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA), Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit, and the Law Officers Department (LOF). The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss and negotiate a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between the two nations, with the aim of strengthening bilateral relations in the realm of electricity production, power purchase, transmission, and distribution.

The Director General of EDG, Mr. Laye Sekou Camara, welcomed the Sierra Leonean team, expressing his gratitude to the government and the people of Sierra Leone for fostering strong cooperation between the two sister nations. He emphasized that both countries share common interests and challenges. Mr. Camara assured the Sierra Leonean delegation that the negotiations would be geared towards achieving a win-win situation for both parties.

Ing. James Rogers, Deputy Director General of EDSA, echoed the commitment of President Julius Maada Bio’s government to providing sustainable, affordable, and reliable electricity supply to Sierra Leoneans, which was the driving force behind the visit. He emphasized the urgent need to tap into Guinea’s growing energy reserves to meet the increasing energy generation requirements for the people of Sierra Leone.

During the negotiation process, the Acting Public Private Partnership Director, Mohamed Abu, disclosed that EDSA was seeking to procure 50 Megawatts from EDG from January to June 2024 and an additional 20 Megawatts from July to December, all at a reduced cost with a single-digit tariff. EDSA expressed its intention to enter into a flexible two-year contract agreement with EDG, subject to periodic review as necessary.

In his concluding remarks, EDG’s Deputy Director General, Mr. Abdoulaye Kone, provided assurance to the Sierra Leonean delegation that all necessary arrangements for transmission line testing were underway and expected to be completed by the end of December 2023.

Both parties agreed to escalate the agreed points and any unresolved issues to higher authorities for prompt resolution, paving the way for the eventual signing of the contract.

The engagement concluded with amicable closing courtesies, symbolized by common handshakes, marking the end of this highly anticipated engagement between the energy authorities of Guinea and Sierra Leone. This collaborative effort holds the promise of enhancing electricity access and strengthening the ties between the two neighboring nations.