Guma Valley Water Company has in a press release issued on Tuesday 18th April 2023 announced that water supply to Freetown will be shut down on Thursday, 20th April 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for nine hours.

The rationale behind this is to facilitate repairs on both the 22 and 28 inches transmission pipelines at the treatment plant located at Mile 13, Mambo, Pogodon-Hamilton, and Lakka.

According to Guma Valley, a shutdown in Freetown is necessary to carry out essential repairs on the transmission pipelines at the treatment plant.

The shutdown will last for nine hours, and residents of Freetown are advised to make alternative arrangements for their water needs during this period.

Guma Valley showed its commitment to providing quality service by apologizing for any inconvenience caused and giving prior notice of the shutdown.

The public should also play a role in ensuring the success of the shutdown by cooperating with Guma Valley Water Company during this period.

See the notice below: