The Ministry of Health and Sanitation is embarking on a large scale nationwide ebola vacci- nation targeting the frontline workers from various walks of life.
Speaking to Politico, the Risk Communication Officer at the Ministry of Health, Harold Thomas said the vaccines are pre- qualified and will help prevent frontline workers whom he said are the most vulnerable groups in society, from getting infected with ebola.
“The frontline workers comprise health workers- nurses, doctors and laboratory officers; traditional healers, motorbike riders and law enforcement officers,” said.
He said the because they usually come in contact with sick people in their workplace and are everywhere in the country, moving around and are at high risk of being infected with diseases if not properly immunized.
While the traditional healers and motorbike riders as well as drivers are significant on their own, he said these individuals are one of the main targeted groups who do not only interface with the public in conducting their businesses but are also exposed to sick people.
He noted that there is no suspicion of ebola outbreak in the country but said there is need to protect the public through immunizing the frontline workers who are at the most vulnerable to viral diseases.
“The time ebola broke out if we had prepared for it and taken vaccination accordingly, nobody would have died, especially the nurses, doctors and laboratory officers. We have to prepare for the unex- pected, and that until everyone is protected, no one is protected,” he said.
He confirmed that there is no risk of a potential outbreak and that the ministry is undertaking the campaign for prevention as well as safeguarding the health of the frontline workers across the country.
Asked about the public awareness mechanism to be applied, he said the ministry of health has started the campaign long ago, applying media and community engagements to spread key messages about the campaign in a way to increase public knowledge and understanding about the relevance of the campaign.
He commended the Sierra Leone health workers for their sterling response to the Rwanda Marburg virus, which he said is a highly infectious viral hemorrhagic fever that can cause a fatality rate of up to 88%.
“Because of the ebola experience gained in Sierra Leone,,we have not had any death case. – They are using Sierra – Leone knowledge to help Rwandans in the 1 fight against Marburg virus,” he said.
He. encouraged the frontline workers to participate in the campaign and assured the public that the vaccines are provided by WHO, approved by the pharmacy board of Sierra Leone, and tested in several countries around the world.Thomas said the vaccines are found to be safe, efficacious and effective.