The Executive of the Sierra Leone Association Non Governmental Organization (SLANGO) has filed an Injunction against Christian M. Kamara and Others in the high court of Sierra Leone in the matter of an application PursuanT to Order 35 of the High Court Rules 2007.
The plaintiffs of the said injunction before the court are the Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organization suing through it National Coordinator Edward John Yokie, Native consortium, Kantanya Women’s Development Association and others.
The defendants include Mr . Christian M. Kamara, Francis Reffel and Patrick Osedo Analo
The Interim Injunction has been granted to the Plaintiffs/ applicants restraining the former defunct Board Members ,the defendants herein whether by themselves , their agents , assigns , Privies , Servants, Successor-in-title, servants or Whatsoever called from conducting another Annual General Meeting [ AGM] on the 24th day of January , 2024 of the Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organization [ SLANGO] Pending hearing and determination of the court.
According to the Injunction, all Parties [Plaintiffs. Applicants and the Defendants/ Respondents shall attend the court on Wednesday 24th January, 2024 at 9; of the hour of morning.
Meanwhile, The Sierra Leone Association of Non Governmental Organizations recently issued a Public Notice on its Resolutions and Outcome from their just concluded [SLANGO] Annual General Meeting held on the 20th December, 2023.
The Public Notice further alleged that, Police officers, led by LUC Moijueh of the Central Police Station, went with 30 police personnel and brutalized one of their colleagues, Mr. Kemoh Sumaila, who was pushed and sustained a spinal injury, and he is currently in the hospital. SLANGO further acknowledged that notwithstanding this, it is further important that Section 26 of the Sierra Leone Constitution 1991 which protects the fundamental human rights to assembly and association was contravened.
On January 11th, 2024, the Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (SLANGO) Board filed a formal complaint with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) over an alleged attempt to open an illegal bank account in the organization’s name.