Andrew Lavalie, the Executive Director of the Institute of Governance Reform, urges mobile company operators to lower data tariffs following a substantial reduction in data prices from $40 per megabyte per second to $10 by Zoodlabs.

Sierra Leone’s mobile companies are all relying on Zoodlabs for their data connectivity and if so, the Director argues that the prices for data have to be revisited based on the new shift by their providers.

Zoodlabs is a comprehensive technology and smart utility infrastructure company that provides a high-speed internet service through a wireless broadband network in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Their operations include installing and maintaining a wireless broadband network infrastructure.

Director Lavalie had earlier argued in his second volume of “Tragedies of Politics,” that the role of the National Telecommunications Commission (NatCA) in effectively monitoring data prices in the country. Despite Sierra Leone boasting a fiber optic cable, Lavalie argued that mobile data prices should be more reasonable than the current rates offered by companies.

The IGR Director underlined the need for the privatization of state-owned businesses for effective service delivery in Sierra Leone. He suggested that the government should create a space for fair competition among players in the market to reduce costs and enhance service provision.

While supporting the existence of state-owned enterprises, Lavalie clarified that their goal is to ensure effective services for Sierra Leoneans at a better cost. He stressed the importance of a corruption-free state for the success of state-owned enterprises.

Lavalie emphasized that the essence of state-owned enterprises is to alleviate the government’s burden, boost productivity, and offer better services to the state and its people. To achieve this, he urged the government to facilitate an environment for the private sector to thrive by opening the market space to more players, ultimately benefiting the citizens.

A few months ago, IGR launched the first part of a documentary series titled “Tragedies of Politics.” The series, with a focus on state-owned enterprises and parastatals, questioned why these entities, established to make a profit and deliver effective services, become burdened by debt and reliant on Sierra Leone taxpayers for salaries. Part two of the series concentrates on advocating for the privatization of state-owned enterprises for better management and effective service delivery.