The Iranian Ambassador to Sierra Leone Seyed Khalil Sadati Amiri Friday congratulated His Excellency the President Dr. Julius Maada Bio on his re-election through the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Professor David J. Francis.

Delivering a congratulatory message on behalf of the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hussein Amir Abdollahian, Ambassador Seyed Khalil Sadati Amiri, said the people and government of Iran congratulate President Bio for his re-election by the people of Sierra Leone and also congratulated the Government for winning a seat in the non-permanent category of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2024-25.

With growing bilateral and diplomatic ties with Sierra Leone, Ambassador Seyed said, Iranian companies are expressing interest to explore opportunities for cooperation in the country in the areas of medicine, trade, and investment.

He extended an invitation to the Hon. Foreign Minister to the planned Iran – Africa conferences – one for Foreign Ministers of African countries and another for Cultural Ministers. These high-level engagements will advance joint cooperation with African countries including Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Seyed highlighted projects that are currently being undertaken by the Iranian Embassy in Sierra Leone which includes the establishment of a Nursing School which has enrolled 87 students.

Ambassador Seyed also called for a JCC on visa waiver between the two countries which will encourage Iranian investors to come and realize the tourist potential of Sierra Leone. It also open doors for the Sierra Leonean business community in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Professor Francis thanked the Government of Iran for their support and congratulatory message on the victory of President Bio.

“We thank all our friends, allies, and partners for congratulating His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio for winning an election that was peaceful, credible, free, fair, and transparent. Your congratulatory message will be conveyed to His Excellency appropriately and be rest assured that Sierra Leone will be participating fully in the upcoming Ministerial conferences for Africa in Tehran at all levels,” he said.

Professor Francis thanked the Iranian government for their support during the UN Security Council elections. This he said demonstrated the strong bilateral relations Sierra Leone has with other nations.

He commended the Iranian Embassy for establishing a health institution for the training of nurses which is in line with the government Human Capital Investment of the President.

Professor Francis recommended the hosting of a trade and business forum between the two countries as there are opportunities in the mining sector, health, agriculture, and infrastructure that Iranian investors would love to tap into.

The Minister said that Sierra Leone will be invited to the UN Security Council on the 1st of October to observe principles and procedures, in preparation for their full engagement in January 2024.

He emphasized that Sierra Leone will be playing a crucial role in promoting peace, security, and stability around the globe.