On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, a notable diplomatic development unfolded as His Excellency Jens Kraus-Massè, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Sierra Leone, visited Electricity House.

During this visit, Ambassador Kraus-Massè engaged in constructive talks with Sierra Leone’s Energy Minister, Alhaji Dr. Kanja Sesay.

Expressing contentment with the meeting, Ambassador Kraus-Massè communicated the strong interest of the German government and private enterprises in exploring investment possibilities within Sierra Leone’s energy sector. Underscoring the forthcoming Energy Transition Dialogue in Berlin slated for March, he extended an invitation to Minister Sesay to participate. This conference, recognized as a major event in the energy sector, serves as a platform for both nations to exchange ideas and for Sierra Leone to showcase its progress in renewable energy.

Illustrating Germany’s dedication, Ambassador Kraus-Massè provided details on various energy projects and funding accessible to Sierra Leone. Notably, he highlighted Germany’s endeavors to establish hydrogen production facilities driven by renewable energy, accentuating a collaborative, mutually beneficial approach with their partners.

In response, Minister Alhaji Dr. Kanja Sesay expressed appreciation for the Ambassador’s visit and the assurances of potential investments. Emphasizing the openness of Sierra Leone’s energy sector to genuine investments, Dr. Sesay outlined the ministry’s key focus areas, spanning generation, transmission, distribution, renewables, solar street lights, and expansion with an emphasis on accessibility.

Throughout the discussions, Dr. Sesay shed light on Sierra Leone’s accomplishments in the renewable energy sector, highlighting the challenges faced and outlining future plans. The ongoing reforms in the energy sector align closely with the broader Feed Salone agenda, underscoring the country’s commitment to sustainable development.

The interaction between Ambassador Kraus-Massè and Minister Sesay signifies a positive stride toward international collaboration in Sierra Leone’s energy sector. The invitation to the Energy Transition Dialogue and insights into potential German investments and projects demonstrate a shared dedication to advancing renewable energy goals.

As Sierra Leone progresses in the energy sector, the dialogue with Germany offers an opportunity for reciprocal learning and cooperation. The upcoming conference in Berlin holds the potential to cultivate partnerships contributing to Sierra Leone’s sustainable energy aspirations. The discussions between the German Ambassador and the Energy Minister pave the way for a potentially impactful collaboration between the two nations in the realm of renewable energy.