Prominent Sierra Leone whistleblower, Dr. John Idriss Lahai, has issued a strong response to claims made by the popular blogging page, Salone Gossip, regarding his alleged divorce from his wife.

In a public letter shared on Facebook, Dr. Lahai vigorously denied the rumors, expressing his shock and dismay. He described the allegations as baseless and warned the blogging site against spreading such misinformation.

“It has come to my attention that there are rumors circulating about my wife, Dr. Mrs. Nenneh Lahai, and me being divorced. I am profoundly shocked and disturbed by these baseless claims. Let me make it unequivocally clear: Dr. Mrs. Nenneh Lahai is my wife, and our marriage is thriving. I have no plans, now or in the future, of leaving her for another woman,” he wrote.

Dr. Lahai emphasized the deep bond and mutual support shared with his wife, highlighting the struggles they have faced together. “Dr. Mrs. Nenneh Lahai is not only my partner but also the best thing to have ever happened to me. Through the trials and tribulations of life, she has been a pillar of strength and unwavering support,” he stated.

He recounted the challenging times they endured, noting, “During times when I was broke and hungry, she stood by me, providing the love and support that carried me through. To even think of leaving her, especially now that God has blessed us with abundance, is inconceivable and akin to committing emotional and spiritual suicide.”

Addressing another rumor regarding the removal of his wife and children from his late mother’s heritage in Sierra Leone, Dr. Lahai clarified that it was a personal decision, unrelated to his relationship with his wife or the strength of their family bonds.

Dr. Lahai also expressed his readiness to take action against anyone attempting to malign his wife’s character, asserting, “My wife is a gift from God, and she deserves to enjoy her marriage and family life in peace, free from unfounded accusations and disruptive rumors.”

In concluding his letter, Dr. Lahai requested respect for his privacy and an end to the spread of false narratives about his family. “Let her be, and allow us to live our lives in the serenity we have worked so hard to build,” he urged.